ASTOG-ENERGY intends to increase the availability of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) across the many global markets, from Europe, to Africa, over the Middle East to the Pacific Basin region, by applying our SAF-producer of our choice technology of transforming “Waste to Fuel”. The initial aim is, to place production facilities nearby major Cities with major airport(s) of at least a handful locations within the next 5-years, and then expand further to 9-12 locations/countries and simultaneously increase the individual plant’s production rate by approx. 10% through enhanced process and optimization as a result of dedicated (R&D) Research and Development, further JV expansion, secondary fund raising, over the following 5-7 years, in order to become at least the second biggest independent SAF producer worldwide.
Taking the technology of SAF and pushing the availability to a new level. As an aviation professional, I have been involved in fuel procurement for over a decade, and I am fully aware of the price sensitivity of aviation and the desire to become CO2 neutral. Being a Generation-X member and understanding that the Generation Y and Z (Millennials and Zoomers) want to see an ecologic and financial sustainable world and aviation industry, as they like to travel on our planet, I see it as my responsibility to realize these desires, and as the technology is available today (unlike two decades ago), ASTOG-energy will put technology, positively thriving people and all other required resources together
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